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Toilet Bowl

Wall Hung Floor Mount
  1. Provides a clean and minimal look to the bathroom, with the cistern concealed inside the wall.
  2. Since the toilet bowl is suspended from the floor, it is relatively easy to clean and wash the bathroom floor without hindrance.
  1. Relatively easy to install or for future replacement
  2. Easy access to cistern tank if there is a need for replacement of parts within it.

Disclaimer: All information provided are meant for referrance only. Hoe Kee will not be held responsible for any liabilities, damages, inconvenience (not limited to) as a result of misrepresentation or wrong use of information.


What is it?

It is the distance between the center of floor sewage hole and the wall where the cistern tank is leaning against. There is NO one standard distance and can differ across various housing type and housing estate. In Singapore, however they commonly range from 2 to 12 inches. The most common outlet distance are usually at around 6 inches. 

Why do I need to know?

Different models of toilet bowls comes in various outlet distance. You have to ensure that the toilet bowl model you intend to purchase has the right outlet distance that matches your home's in order to be installed correctly at your home toilet. 

If installation is required, Kindly send a picture of your existing wc to us via Whatsapp by clicking this link !

For example:

If your home toilet outlet distance is 6inch, you may purchase a toilet bowl that has a 6inch option.  

 4 inch - 8 inch 150 mm / 6 inch
 8 inch - 12 inch 250 mm / 10 inch

What is the difference between a S-trap and P-trap Toilet?

A S-trap Toilet Bowl model already has its outlet made to drain to the floor by default, thus forming a S-shape.

A P-trap Toilet Bowl model has its outlet made to drain to the wall by default, thus forming a P-shape. However, a P-trap model is much more versatile in installation as they can be converted to an S-trap (drain to floor) with the right use of a sturdy bend collar. They can also be used for floor outlet distance which are particularly close to a wall, 2-3 inches, which otherwise cannot be installed with a usual 6inch outlet model.

Default trapway / Outlet position Sewage hole on the floor Sewage hole on the Wall

Can, with the use of an offset collar, a S-trap toilet bowl's outlet can be offset by 1 or 2 inches. 

  1. 6inch model can offset to 4inch
    Suitable for:
  2. Sewage Outlet distance that are within a tolerance of 2 inches of the WC model actual outlet

Can, with the use of a sturdy Bend collar pipe

Suitable for:

  1. Sewage Outlet distance that are very near to wall, such as 2 inches
  2. Prefers not to offset outlet distance with the use of bend collar that allows for accurate drainage distance
Can, with the use of a sturdy straight collar

Disclaimer: All information provided are meant for reference only. Hoe Kee will not be held responsible for any liabilities, damages, inconvenience (not limited to) as a result of misrepresentation or wrong use of information.



Bend Collar: This is to be used on a P-trap WC model to connect the WC drainage outlet to your toilet's floor sewage outlet. This creates a S-trap way eventually.

Straight Outlet connector for discharge to wall: This is to be used on a P-trap WC model to connect the WC drainage to your toilet's Wall sewage outlet.



1inch collar: This is to be used on a S-trap WC model to connect the WC drainage outlet to your toilet's floor sewage outlet. 1 inch collar can used to offset your floor outlet by max 1 inch to match the WC outlet you are purchase. For example, for a WC model that has a 6inch outlet, a 1inch collar can be used to offset to either 5inch or 7inch. 

2 inch collar: This is to be used on a S-trap WC model to connect the WC drainage outlet to your toilet's floor sewage outlet. 2 inch collar can used to offset your floor outlet by max 2 inch to match the WC outlet you are purchasing. For example, for a WC model that has a 6inch outlet, a 1inch collar can be used to offset to either 4inch or 8inch.


Disclaimer: All information provided are meant for reference only. Hoe Kee will not be held responsible for any liabilities, damages, inconvenience (not limited to) as a result of misrepresentation or wrong use of information.

Inlet Flexible Hose: Water supply hose to connect between the water point on wall to a WC cistern tank, basin or sink tap. etc

Disclaimer: All information provided are meant for referrance only. Hoe Kee will not be held responsible for any liabilities, damages, inconvenience (not limited to) as a result of misrepresentation or wrong use of information.

Mini Ball valve: This is a control valve to regulate the flow of water supply.

Disclaimer: All information provided are meant for referrance only. Hoe Kee will not be held responsible for any liabilities, damages, inconvenience (not limited to) as a result of misrepresentation or wrong use of information.

  1. All prices quoted for replacement/installation of products and services are estimated only.
  2. All prices are subject to change upon site situation and assessment.
  3. In the event that there are variations to the scope work upon site assessment, a new price would be quoted subject to acceptance by the customer and installer.
  4. The company reserves the right to refund the items bought and no further claims can be made or pursued.
  5. We are unable to guarantee the conditions of the surrounding installation / replacement area due to prolonged usage, wear and tear, hidden conceal piping, this the company hereby disclaim any liability for any damage loss that may happen.
  6. Warranty period of workmanship: 14 days
  7. Workmanship warranty does not cover misuse, accidents, negligence, abuse, wear and tear or any manner of tampering.
  8. All services provided after the warranty period will be chargeable at standard rates determined by HOE KEE HARDWARE PTE LTD or Third Party Installer.

If installation is required, Kindly send a picture of your existing wc to us via Whatsapp by clicking this link !

Disclaimer: All information provided are meant for referrance only. Hoe Kee will not be held responsible for any liabilities, damages, inconvenience (not limited to) as a result of misrepresentation or wrong use of information.

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